Friday 18 January 2013

Jakarta Fashion Week 2013

Helloo again friends! I’d like to share some of my experience as an intern in Jakarta Fashion Week 2013 on last November (yes I know it's a little bit late, very late, but somehow I finally managed to get all this photos from my friend just a while ago so I have been able to share all this stuff finally this month, guys. Sorry!!).


Yeassss!! I was a media relation intern on JFW2013 from 3-11 November, 2012. This is my media relation team:

Consist of 4 people, Herlina, Me, Arin and Icha.

Our job is tough, I can say. We were a mediator between the press/media and designer. The simple explanation is like this: when the press want to interview the designer/specific people about some topics, they contact us to arrange the time of their meeting, according to the designer preferences. So, our job next is to contact the designer directly to explain the request and arrange the meeting.

Simple? Absolutely not.

So far We've done our work, only 50%, no, 40% of the arranged meeting goes well based on plan. Most of the time, the meeting was canceled or rescheduled. Mostly because of several things:

  • The shifting of show/press conference schedule (basically like this: each designer have their own fashion show and press conference, and most likely they prefer to do the interview meeting before/after the fashshow/prescon) so sometimes it was not enough time for the designer to prepare for the fashion show after the conference because the conference were started and ended late. So, the designer took off as soon as the prescon finished.
  • The designer was fuckingly forgot about the meeting. That’s another job for me to keep reminding them through their assistant.
  • The interviewer/press forgot the meeting. This was the most fucked up reason. Hey! Wasn't it you who requested the interview session and now you were the one forgetting? Jeez maan. Of course the designer also fucked up knowing that they have to wait for the press instead of the press that must have wait for the designer. In the end it was me / my other media relation friends who took the blame from the designer.
But overall, it was a very distinctive experience for me individually! I, whose background is accounting, entering the world of media and communication which were so different (but, simpler). In the end, there are lots, lots of new things I can learn from this intern, such as the flow of press conference, the importance of media, press conference/fashion show reality (good, and bad), press release, connection of media, and so on, and so on.

I’d like to share some of my unique experience there:

  • Of course, seeing the real designer or actor/actresses/entertainer with my own eyes! Standing in front of me! Even taking photos. I saw Atika Hasiholan (and took a photo with her), the great kebaya designer Anne Avantie, Ivan Gunawan, Musa Widyaatmodjo, Dhea Ananda, Aming, Kimmy Jayanti (so drop dead gorgeous), Kleting Titis Wigati, and others that maybe I’m not aware of. On the fashion show itself, I saw Dian Sastro, Bunga Citra Lestari and Ashraf Sinclair, Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya, Roy Marten and Anna Maria, Krisdayanti, Harvey Malaiholo, and others. Aside the JFW2013 (means that they were visiting the mall, not JFW 2013, I saw Ruben Onsu and Wenda, and Cici Panda. Jeez. Long list of spotlight people, isnt it? This is my photo with Atika Hasiholan.. She is so drop dead gorgeous!
  • Transgenders everywhere. I've seen lots of transgender. In a cool way of course. Some of the designer itself were transgenders, a fashionable and talented one. I’m not judging but they were indeed cool! And of course, I’m fucking start of being used to the topic of  gay/lesbian/bi (related to the sexual orientation of transgender) when I was there. It was like an ordinary topic when me and my friends talking about it. The world of entertainment of course, everything possible.
  • Fashionable people. From a cool to an awkward one. Ombre hair, purple hair, sheer clothes, awkward sarong, tattoo, skinned hair, neon clothes etc etc was very normal here. Everyone try to be as distinctive as possible. Anyway, it’s fashion week of course.
  • Different characteristic of designers. There are several designer that were so drop dead kind and humble, such as Kleting Titis Wigati. Although she is a widely known designer and a successful entrepreneur  she is very, very humble. On the other side, there were several newborn designer (especially from specific designer school) that were as snotty as hell. Of course, I’m not randomly judging this, but I am a media relation, remember? So I know their characteristic based on their respond to our request/when we communicate with them about the interview. 
  • Not every media interested in some designers/events. You know what? For a newborn designer, It was such a burden to get media’s attention to them. Sometimes, even the conference was drop dead deserted because either the media were not interested on them or were covering other stuffs. Tragic, huh? While on the other hand, a widely-known designer’s conference will be so crowded. The more you are famous, more easier for you to attract media.
Here are some photos from the events. Actually it’s not me whose taking photos but I got it from my friends’ camera.

My Coordinator at that time, just say Mrs X and Mr Y.

Us Internees helping on packing the goodie bag on the first day:

Us! Internees (well, just a little bit of us):

The goodie bag:

Press Conference looks like this:

JFW Committee full team (too bad this was taken on the last day and I didn't take any shift on the day):

Actually, there are still lots, lots of interesting moments that I can’t described here, such as my adventure to sneak into the backstage and main privilege fashion show, my horror of seeing how the fashion tent collapsed due to heavy rainstorm, the rage of chasing the designers and so on. There are so much (well, not THAT so much) things happened during my internship. Besides meeting new friends, seeing extraordinary events, and having new experiences,  there are not anything really special and memorable during the internship. In fact, In the middle of the internship I’m getting quite bored and have a diminished motivation even to get on the venue on time. After all, I think I’m not suitable for this kind of job. I’m too used to work on something linked with “office”, “finance” and all its friends.... But still it didnt decrease my eagerness to always try something new J

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