Saturday, 25 June 2016

Sailor Moon Exhibition in Roppongi - Tokyo 2016

On this June 17th I had the chance to go back in time and had a severe nostalgia time in the Sailor Moon Exhibition located in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. This event was only celebrated for such a short time (for only 2 months I guess) so the hype was quite big.

To be honest I was ONCE a big fan of Sailor Moon however I grow up and blah blah so many things happened and suddenly it disappeared from my childhood without me knowing it. But then I went here.... The moment I saw all of the things shown on the exhibition there, it literally KICK MY HEAD OFF back to my childhood memories, damn, damn, hard.

“DAMN Yolanda, such a stupid of you for growing up...”

Said me to myself for the whole 3 hours there...

It was located on the 52th floor of Mori Tower where they usually have art exhibition there. The entrance fee itself was not that cheap, 1800 yen for one adult.

I remember there are several sections for the exhibition:
  • The main hall where they show the main artwork created by Naoko Takeuchi, the mangaka (“comic artist”) for the exhibition included several displayed knick-knacks from the past, and photo spot on the center for those who interested.
  • The area that shows chronological story of Sailor Moon from the first publicity, short movie area.
  • The display area for several manga sketches, toys and merchandise from the past and present, such as dolls, wands, action figures.
  • Main Photo Spot.
  • Artwork display plus a monitor that plays Sailor Moon songs from the past anime again and again (and I stunned there for more than 15 minutes just to hear the song and chill as in having goosebumps all over again)
  • Another artwork display area that shows mostly the real artwork for this exhibition which is AWESOME.
  • Shop area.

Unfortunately most of the area here were “no-photos area”, except the main hall and the photo spot area. Well, privilege for those who paid to get in!

However will keep to try my best to show you all what I see and what I managed to take.

The first thing were the main hall. The main hall was huge and the first thing I saw was all of the artwork hanged with Tokyo View seen from 52th floor as the background.

Even Usagi was like summoning the Tokyo Tower here.

Right in the middle of the main hall was the first photo spot,

and next to it was this SUUUPER BIG and PRETTY main artwork for this exhibition.

OMG. I want to take it home. Kill me.

Circling the main figures of the room were these glass-sealed knicks-knacks, several old comic books and everything else here.  

Really want the Luna and Artemis cushion so bad..

And what made me go super ga-ga was these several display of Sailor Moon merchandise scattered around the room such as this Cosmic Heart Brooch,

And this Spiral Heart Rod,

And this bad-ass Rainbow Moon Chalice.

And guess what??? I have those at my home back there in Jakarta!!! Directly contact my mom to not throw all my toys away back home as maybe someday I can auction it big on Yahoo and make a fortune out of it hehehe.

Continued from the main hall were the "no-photo" spots that I have mentioned above. It was amazing to see all the incredible sketches and artworks shown; how can one person can make such  pretty artwork by herself. Admire Naoko Takeuchi to the top. The only photo that I can take was this:

With Takeuchi's real autograph there. 

Besides the sketches and artwork (that I can never make even if I practice til I die) section, what excites me the most was the display of several toys and collectibles from the past. The funny thing is that on each every section of the exhibition I always found my toys here and there, literally everywhere! I’m going crazy as like “OMG I have this before wtf!” or “Oh gosh where did I put this card?!?! I used to have it I’m sure” or “OMG OMG I die I die I have this one played like crazy before” and so on and so on..

Such a tiring but exciting but sad but satisfying whole 3 hours of my life.

And the most satisfying photo spot was this 2 real-size figure of Usagi and Mamoru or known too as Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion here (full geek mode completely on here).

Gotta take selfies.


Too bad that my selfie was the last photo that I can post here as I don’t have any more photos to be posted related to the exhibition contents. Yes, the exhibition was quite strict about photo taking as they place several officers here and there to guard the visitor from recording or taking photos. 

Since I went there 2 days before the last day of the exhibition, most of the limited items that can be brought from the shop were completely sold out, I managed to buy only several post cards with the exhibition original artwork for quite a price. Japanese really know how to make me go bankrupt.

They have the Chibiusa CafĂ© too with super cute menus displayed however since the queue was very long, I didn’t went there. It was quite tempting you know. Who's not tempted with pink burgers wtf. Can see it slightly here.

Well, overall, it was such an enjoyable and memorable visit for me as all of the images and things displayed there still sit firmly on my head even until now.

I’m glad I went there as actually on the day before this visit, had quite a lot of overtime and kind of have to push myself to go here that day, but I’m so happy I can drag my ass off here and have a fantastic nostalgia time for a moment; reminding me of how blessed and happy I am as a kid years ago (and glad too that my mom bought me so much toys at that time.. seriously.)

Sailor Moon, thank you for making my childhood awesome and I promise I will make my adulthood even better. It’s time to take those moon power back to reality, and continuing my present life, more hopeful and powerful than before.

See you on my next post!

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