Tuesday, 30 September 2014

How to be a Good Customer for Dummies 101

I work in a retail company and in the most cursed department ever in retail company: Sales. Retail job sucks. Sales department in retail, is sucker than sucks. It's all result, everything you've worked hard for "supposed to be reflected" on the sales report. In the end, we talk sales. we breath sales. we think sales. maybe we even poo sales. 

Beside sales, the number two most annoying thing about working in store is how do you interact with customer. and I know you all fellow retail worker on sales department feeling, bro fist. Customer can be as kind as angels or, as annoying as Lord Voldemort.  

The more we are in contact with customer, the more of little things annoyed us.

Here, I try to represent all the retail worker complain from a shop assistant pov about customer. And hey, you, customer-ean who read this article, no offense, but yeah, this is what several of you did to us. And we kindly ask you to understand our POV. Mutual benefit, right???

For example:
  1. If you ask for a stock of one item, don’t expect us to find it in 3 minutes. We got a (usually) messed and boxed up warehouse back there, and it takes us quite time and energy to remove all the boxes, take your items, and put all the scrambled boxes in the place again for God sake. Expect 10 minutes.
  2. Even if you change your mind while we’re out of searching for stocks, at least tell another shop assistant that you’ll leave so we won’t have to search you like mad in the store. It’s annoying.
  3. Put things back on where they belong. Don’t have to be so neat is ok, it helps us a lot.
  4. Some of the complicated things we have to do even it takes your time, is just a decided procedure from our store. For example procedure for sending things, building furniture, etc. We’re not wasting your time, we only do our work. So please don’t be grumpy if it takes a little bit of your time.
  5. Take off your earphone when you pay for your things in register. Sometimes we have to ask a robotic question like, do you have point card or something and we are SO PISSED if we have to repeat it several times just because you’re in the middle of hearing good music. We repeat this entire question like more than 50 times a day dude. Give us a break.
  6. If you want to just pay and leave at register, at least give us time to count your money first whether it’s the exact amount or not. Don’t just throw away your money and go. First, we’re not vending machine. Second, if your money is not enough and you left already, we’re fucked up.
  7. And in reverse, it is okay to take your time in register during payment. Taking out money, putting in the receipt etc. Actually, we quite don’t care as long as it doesn’t take sooo long.
  8. Don’t expect us to be 100% perfect of everything. Knowing every single bit section of things, 100% perfect register machine operation, etc. Sometimes it takes us time too to learn, especially the newcomer.
  9. A smile on us on register, say “thank you” or a little bit of kindness will boost up our mood for a whole day.
  10. Customers always win. We’re not even defended by our manager (most of the time). So, do us a little bit of favor by holding back unneeded anger or complaint for yourself (unless our services like really, really sucks).
And the list still go on though. Can't write it all here.

But hey, fellow retail worker! please share too your complain about customer below!! I'm very interested to hear all of unthinkable POV that maybe I have never experienced before!!

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